Alan Alanís can offer speeches in Spanish and English, on the following topics:

Requirements for Professional Speeches:

  • Roundtrip flight to the event location

  • Food, lodging, and transportation within the event city

  • Wireless or headset microphone, as well as a good quality audio system, projector and screen, and everything needed to project the presentation

  • 2 support people to record video and take photos during the conference and related activities

  • Fees of 3,000 USD per keynote speech, paying 50% in advance

Non-profit organizations, cooperatives, student groups, NGOs, or religious organizations around the world may have special prices or negotiations.

Alan Alanís collaborates with related activities to promote your event, such as book signings, photo sessions, press conferences, radio and television interviews; and social events (dinners, lunches, or cocktails, etc.).


Some institutions where Alan Alanís has offered his services as a speaker.